Formula One Teams Association

RisingStar Announces NFT Drop With The Professor on Platform on Sept. 23

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Professor approached RisingStar to create an NFT series with

Key Points: 
  • The Professor approached RisingStar to create an NFT series with
  • RisingStar then took The Professor's holograms and placed him in seven animated worlds rivaling against different pop culture icons.
  • "We're thrilled to work with The Professor on an NFT drop on
  • We can't wait to connect with millions of global users on Crypto's platform," said Attila Kralik, founder of RisingStar. NFT Signs Partnership With Iconic Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror Publisher Heavy Metal

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, September 2, 2021

"When I took over Heavy Metal, it was with the singular goal of bringing the proverbial 'Ranger from the North back to his rightful throne at Minas Tirith'; collaborating with on a slate of digital collectables is like taking a giant step closer to Gondor," said Heavy Metal CEO Matthew Medney. "With the first collection inspired by my very own hard sci-fi book 'Beyond Kuiper: The Galactic Star Alliance,' which I co-wrote with John Connelly, we use the concept of discovering new worlds to literally offer owners of the NFTs entry to Heavy Metal's worlds — which is epically awesome. Then we get to top that with NFTs from the 'zombie lord' himself, George C. Romero — and if that isn't enough, Joe-freaking-Trohman of Fall Out Boy is realizing his story 'The Axe' as digital collectibles. The next four months with are going to be insane — or as my partner, Heavy Metal President and Head of Studio Tommy Coriale, so eloquently puts it: 'Buckle the f--- up.'"

Key Points: 
  • The partnership will launch a Heavy Metal Magazine store on, where fans and collectors will be able to explore and trade in a wide variety of exclusive content.
  • The iconic publication's debut collection on the NFT marketplace is scheduled for release on September 15, 2021 at 9 a.m. PT.
  • "In that way, Heavy Metal shares many common values with the cryptocurrency and NFT communities making this partnership a perfect fit.
  • With CEO Matthew Medney now at the helm, Heavy Metal promises to boldly go where no one has gone before.