Valentine tank

Millionaire Match Offers Five Tips to Tackle Valentines Day for Online Daters

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Millionaire Match, the oldest and most established online dating site for wealthy singles, compiled a list of the top five tips for the online dating sector to help change the single mindset surrounding Valentines Day.

Key Points: 
  • Millionaire Match, the oldest and most established online dating site for wealthy singles, compiled a list of the top five tips for the online dating sector to help change the single mindset surrounding Valentines Day.
  • Yes, its the day of love, but its also just a day, so if you think you cant go on a first outing on Valentines Day, think again.
  • PLAN AN ONLINE DATE: So, youve been having great conversation with one particular online match, and its still not the right time to meet in person, plan a fun online Valentines date.
  • Who knows, it could be a cute story you tell your kids/grandkids one day about how you spent your first Valentines Day online.

empty tomb®, inc. Invites People to Send God a Valentine through Mission Match®

Retrieved on: 
Monday, February 11, 2019

People are invited to send a Valentine to God through Mission Match.

Key Points: 
  • People are invited to send a Valentine to God through Mission Match.
  • So it only seems fitting to send a Valentine back to God.
  • So helping little children would seem to be a good way to express our love to God this Valentine's Day.
  • empty tomb's Mission Match program invites donors to give $50 a year to Mission Match.

Janie And Jack And Fashion Influencer Eva Chen Debut Exclusive Fashion Collaboration, Juno Valentine By Janie And Jack

Retrieved on: 
Monday, November 5, 2018

"I wroteJuno Valentine to inspire the next generation of she-roes," said Eva Chen.

Key Points: 
  • "I wroteJuno Valentine to inspire the next generation of she-roes," said Eva Chen.
  • "The Juno Valentine by Janie and Jack Collection is a fantastical reflection of high-style designs for little fashionistas to strike their own #EvaChenPose."
  • Guests are welcome to join for a special reading and meet-and-greet with Chen, while shopping for matching looks from the Juno Valentine for Janie and Jack Collection.
  • Visit Janie and Jack shops nationwide for children's clothing sizes 06 years and for sizes through 12 years.