
InventHelp Inventor Develops Modified Aquatic Shoe for Improved Mobility (HTM-8985)

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Fortunately, an inventor from Bassetere, Saint Kitts and Nevis, has come up with a design that actually reduces resistance while walking in water.

Key Points: 
  • Fortunately, an inventor from Bassetere, Saint Kitts and Nevis, has come up with a design that actually reduces resistance while walking in water.
  • He developed a prototype for the patent pending FIN SHOE to facilitate propulsion and buoyancy, which makes snorkeling much easier.
  • As such, it provides a more comfortable alternative to standard water sports shoes and flippers.
  • Durable, waterproof and user friendly, this novel footwear enhances the fun and enjoyment of water sports.