Yuffie Kisaragi

Kids Across Canada Design Cars to Make the World a Better Place

Retrieved on: 
Monday, April 19, 2021

"\nHundreds of young Canadians shared their inspirational and innovative designs for a \'dream car\' to help make the world a better place, and three finalists were chosen in each category:\nYuffie Chen (age 6, Vancouver, BC).

Key Points: 
  • "\nHundreds of young Canadians shared their inspirational and innovative designs for a \'dream car\' to help make the world a better place, and three finalists were chosen in each category:\nYuffie Chen (age 6, Vancouver, BC).
  • Yuffie\'s "Weather Car" not only forecasts the weather ("sunshine, snow, rain, wind, rainbows or lightning"), but also flies around the world to protect it from global warming.
  • Emily\'s entry "The Shopping Car" - makes shopping more accessible for everyone by allowing them to fly around stores to collect items.
  • It comes with an "auto-arm grabber" which helps reach items in high places and carry heavy goods.\nBellina Man (age 6, Maple, ON).