
Global Fluorotelomers Market (2021 to 2026) - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact and Forecasts - ResearchAndMarkets.com

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Friday, October 15, 2021

The growing usage of fluorotelomers in textile industry owing to their low cost related to cleaning, washing and dry cleaning is expected to propel the fluorotelomers market during the forecast period.

Key Points: 
  • The growing usage of fluorotelomers in textile industry owing to their low cost related to cleaning, washing and dry cleaning is expected to propel the fluorotelomers market during the forecast period.
  • Due to this, the usage of fluorotelomers has been increasing in textile and carpet industries, which is boosting the fluorotelomers market.
  • Owing to all the above-mentioned factors for fluorotelomers, its market is expected to grow rapidly over the forecast period.
  • The aforementioned factors, coupled with government support, are contributing to the increasing demand for fluorotelomers during the forecast period.