Flovatar Releases Revolutionary NFT Builder to Empower Individuals and Brands to Create Whatever They Want

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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Flovatar NFTs were the first NFT project to allow the creator to customize and design the NFT using a spark of life before fully minting the NFT on chain.

Key Points: 
  • Flovatar NFTs were the first NFT project to allow the creator to customize and design the NFT using a spark of life before fully minting the NFT on chain.
  • Since their genesis launch, Flovatar has been constantly releasing new utilities and resources to reward and empower the community.
  • Now with the Flovatar Universe Builder (FUB), anyone can create entirely new NFT collections from scratch or upload images/assets to create anything.
  • The Flovatar Universe Builder is the ultimate tool to create new NFTs and NFT series without knowing how to write a single line of code.