I, Robot

Is ChatGPT Sentient? The Question is Answered in 'I, AI' by Waken.ai Founder Hassan Uriostegui

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Thursday, January 26, 2023

"I, AI" is a pioneering study that materializes Isaac Asimov's once fictional "I, Robot" into a scientific reality.

Key Points: 
  • "I, AI" is a pioneering study that materializes Isaac Asimov's once fictional "I, Robot" into a scientific reality.
  • With a solid engineering foundation, the author explores the current moment in which humans may become unable to distinguish AI.
  • Hassan Uriostegui, lead researcher at Waken.ai, poses an intriguing question: "As Carl Sagan famously said, 'We are made of star stuff.'
  • Gazing upon the reflections from these AI-oracles pondering our irreconcilable perspectives, we are reminded of the collective journey that represents the human experience.