
Ringworm fungal infections are common in the US and are becoming increasingly resistant to treatment – 6 questions answered

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Thursday, June 29, 2023

The World Health Organization considers antimicrobial resistance to be one of the most serious threats for global health.

Key Points: 
  • The World Health Organization considers antimicrobial resistance to be one of the most serious threats for global health.
  • Similar to the way bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics, fungal infections throughout the world are becoming more drug-resistant and more deadly.

1. What is ringworm and how common is it?

    • However, a ringworm infection is a common infection of the skin caused by a fungus.
    • Experts state that about 20%-25% of the population will experience a ringworm infection at any given time.
    • Research shows that there are up to 40 types of fungus that can cause these ringworm infections, with the most common types being from the genuses Trichophyton, Microsporum or Epidermophyton.
    • Medical terms for ringworm are “tinea” and “dermatophytosis.” Tinea and dermatophytosis are synonyms for a contagious fungal infection of the skin.

2. How can you recognize ringworm?

    The hair, skin and nails of either fingers or toes are the likely landing spots for a ringworm infection. Signs and symptoms of an infection usually depend on which part of the body is affected, but generally may include hair loss and red, scaly, cracked skin. However, the most well-known sign that gives this infection its ironic and misplaced name – ringworm – is the hallmark ring-shaped rash.

3. How does ringworm spread?

    • Fungi can grow in two forms: yeasts, which are single round cells, and molds, which are made up of many cells forming long, thin, hairlike threads called hyphae.
    • Some of them can exhibit both forms of growth and thrive in decaying organic material like soil or a plant.
    • Ringworm occurs more frequently in tropical areas and during hot, humid summers.

4. How can you reduce the likelihood of getting it?

    • Some of the best ways to reduce or prevent a ringworm or other fungal infection include: – Wash hands with soap and warm water.
    • – Wear shoes and socks that are made of lightweight, breathable materials to reduce moisture.
    • – Avoid walking barefoot in wet or humid areas like locker rooms or public showers.

5. What treatments are there?

    • There are several treatment options, including antifungal medications prescribed by a physician or dermatologist or over-the-counter products sold as a cream or ointment.
    • Finally, in some cases a person may need to use antifungal shampoo and soap to clean themselves and sterilize bedding and clothing.

6. Why is antifungal resistance a growing problem?

    • Antimicrobial resistance, including antifungal resistance, is an ongoing global emergency.
    • Experts estimate that drug-resistant infections caused roughly 1.3 million deaths around the world in 2019.
    • Experts believe that inappropriate use of topical antifungal and corticosteroid medications is likely driving its spread.