New White Paper Explores the Health Disparities Hispanic Communities Face in the US

Retrieved on: 
Monday, July 31, 2023

The Hispanic Dental Association (HDA) and CareQuest Institute for Oral Health ® recently released a comprehensive white paper on oral health disparities in Hispanic communities.

Key Points: 
  • The Hispanic Dental Association (HDA) and CareQuest Institute for Oral Health ® recently released a comprehensive white paper on oral health disparities in Hispanic communities.
  • “To effectively address health inequities among Hispanic populations, we need to understand the unique barriers they face in accessing care,” said CareQuest Institute Chief Health Equity Officer and Executive Vice President Kaz Rafia, DDS, MBA, MPH.
  • The prevalence of losing at least one permanent tooth was higher for Hispanic adults compared to white, non-Hispanic adults.
  • Policy recommendations from the white paper include:
    Improve the collection and disaggregation of data to better understand disparities, especially among Hispanic subgroups.