Russian Embassy School in Vienna

VIBE 2023: How Kremlin Disinformation Efforts Have Reshaped Media Landscapes in Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

In Europe, the panel in Bosnia and Herzegovina called the Russian Embassy a leader in spreading disinformation and propaganda, such as biolaboratories that manufacture weapons targeting Russian DNA--which was further spread by the media. The Government of Russia's influence has also contributed to polarization in reporting on the war throughout the country. Media in the Federation, for example, cover it as an invasion of a sovereign state, while those in the Government of Russia-aligned Republika Srpska have adopted the Russia-preferred term "special military operation."

Key Points: 
  • The 2023 edition of VIBE shows that most countries throughout all three regions experienced heightened propaganda efforts and disinformation campaigns that the VIBE experts trace directly to the Kremlin and its proxies in Russia.
  • This phenomenon actively puts in place a multi-layered system of Kremlin propaganda and helps explain how misinformation in Kyrgyzstan continues to proliferate.
  • VIBE is made possible by the support of the American People through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) .
  • Please visit our website for country reports and the VIBE Explorer to examine and compare data trends, VIBE principles, regions, and individual countries.