Simplicial set

Introducing Simplici: End-To-End Onboarding & Compliance in under 4-Minutes

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, October 12, 2023

HOUSTON, Oct. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Satschel, Inc. is excited to introduce Simplici (, a mobile-first, end-to-end account origination platform using AI and biometrics to remove friction, expediting Know You Customer (KYC/KYB), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Accreditation, with integrated E-sign (SimpliciSign), allowing customers to onboard and transfer funds to new financial account in 3-4 minutes.  Simplici biometrics can drastically mitigate p2p payment fraud (e.g. Zelle) and be placed in front of transactions (RTP, Wire, ACH, etc.), providing financial institutions and their customers next-gen security with a best-in-class user interface at a fraction of the cost. 

Key Points: 
  • Welcome to the Future of Onboarding and Compliance.
  • Sign up on Simplici with five free invites to see how we're revolutionizing onboarding and compliance and transforming how companies engage with customers while keeping security at the forefront.
  • Simplici harnesses proprietary biometrics to streamline customer onboarding and mitigate fraud while exceeding today's rigorous compliance standards.
  • Simplici has taken up the challenge, transforming the user interface into a hassle-free experience and simplifying compliance management.