Schema evolution

Ververica Donates Flink CDC to the Apache Software Foundation

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Ververica , a comprehensive streaming data platform, is proud to announce the official donation of Flink Change Data Capture (Flink CDC) to the Apache Software Foundation, making it an official sub-project of Apache Flink.

Key Points: 
  • Ververica , a comprehensive streaming data platform, is proud to announce the official donation of Flink Change Data Capture (Flink CDC) to the Apache Software Foundation, making it an official sub-project of Apache Flink.
  • Alexander Walden, CEO of Ververica, stated, "The donation of Flink CDC to the Apache Software Foundation marks a milestone in our journey towards building a more open, collaborative, and innovative data integration landscape.
  • Recognizing the potential for greater impact within the Apache ecosystem, Ververica and key community stakeholders from Alibaba, Ant, XTransfer, and Dajian Cloud Warehouse initiated discussions that culminated in the donation of Flink CDC to the Apache Foundation at the Flink Forward Asia conference in December 2023.
  • As an official sub-project of Apache Flink, Flink CDC embarks on a new chapter with enhanced focus and capabilities.