PLT Health Solutions Rhodiolife® Rhodiola Rosea is Verified Non-GMO by the Non-GMO Project

MORRISTOWN, N.J., Aug. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PLT Health Solutions, Inc. announced that it has received non-GMO verification from the Non-GMO Project company for its Rhodiolife®Rhodiola rosea ingredient. The verification covers raw materials, manufacturing processes and logistics. Introduced in the US market in the late 1990s, Rhodiolife is manufactured by PLT innovation partner Nektium. Rhodiolife raw materials are sourced from the Altai Mountains in Siberia featuring an industry-leading cultivation program that delivers what some have called the most sustainable Rhodiola on the market. In April 2023, PLT announced that the Rhodiola material it markets in North America is CITES compliant.