
PLT Health Solutions Rhodiolife® Rhodiola Rosea is Verified Non-GMO by the Non-GMO Project

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

MORRISTOWN, N.J., Aug. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PLT Health Solutions, Inc. announced that it has received non-GMO verification from the Non-GMO Project company for its Rhodiolife®Rhodiola rosea ingredient. The verification covers raw materials, manufacturing processes and logistics. Introduced in the US market in the late 1990s, Rhodiolife is manufactured by PLT innovation partner Nektium. Rhodiolife raw materials are sourced from the Altai Mountains in Siberia featuring an industry-leading cultivation program that delivers what some have called the most sustainable Rhodiola on the market. In April 2023, PLT announced that the Rhodiola material it markets in North America is CITES compliant.

Key Points: 
  • Premium Adaptogen is Clinically Studied, Sustainably Produced and CITES Compliant
    MORRISTOWN, N.J., Aug. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PLT Health Solutions, Inc. announced that it has received non-GMO verification from the Non-GMO Project company for its Rhodiolife®Rhodiola rosea ingredient.
  • In April 2023, PLT announced that the Rhodiola material it markets in North America is CITES compliant.
  • According to Devin Stagg, Chief Operating Officer for PLT Health Solutions, non-GMO verification for this Rhodiola rosea ingredient is part of the overall commitment to build trust with consumers and offer the ideal ingredient for consumer brands.
  • "Rhodiolife has been a leading, premium form of Rhodiola for decades, with a reputation for sustainability and consistently high quality.

PLT Offering First CITES-Compliant Rhodiola rosea in North America

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

MORRISTOWN, N.J., April 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PLT Health Solutions, Inc announced that it has begun offering CITES-compliant Rhodiolife®Rhodiola rosea in North America. This new development will assure its Rhodiola customers a secure supply of a premium, highly sustainable product that meets all regulatory requirements. In November 2022 CITES – the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna – approved a proposal to add Rhodiola spp. to Appendix II. This is a list of species that are subject to controls in international trade. CITES is a voluntary organization, but its decisions are considered binding for the 184 countries that are members. With raw material sourced from the Altai Mountains, extracted in Spain and marketed in the United States, PLT and innovation partner Nektium (Las Palmas, Spain) work with multiple government agencies on three continents to achieve CITES compliance.

Key Points: 
  • MORRISTOWN, N.J., April 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PLT Health Solutions, Inc announced that it has begun offering CITES-compliant Rhodiolife®Rhodiola rosea in North America.
  • As one of the first businesses to successfully commercialize Rhodiola rosea extract, PLT innovation partner Nektium pioneered sustainable harvesting and traceability practices for Rhodiola for decades.
  • In September 2022, PLT announced Nektium's cultivation program for Rhodiola rosea.
  • According to Stagg, sustainability is now a 'cost-of-entry' for the Rhodiola rosea business, but providing an optimal ingredient requires more effort.