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"The Ed Sullivan Show" YouTube Channel Hits 150 Million Views!

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Saturday, August 14, 2021

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Ed Sullivan Show's official YouTube channel this week reached more than 150 million lifetime views, with over 100 million of the total accumulated since The Ed Sullivan Show officially joined the streaming universe to live on forever through an agreement between UMe and SOFA Entertainment Inc. for the global digital rights to The Sullivan Show library, which encompasses the influential television program's historic 23-year primetime run on CBS.

Key Points: 
  • It is extremely gratifying to achieve 150 million lifetime views on YouTube and two-thirds of that number since launching our worldwide streaming initiative together.
  • Ed Sullivan was a pioneer of his time and is responsible for many pivotal TV performances and significant moments in entertainment history.
  • The Ed Sullivan Show 's YouTube channel honors an entertainment legacy with a wide range of playlists to explore.
  • SOFA Entertainment is the copyright holder of the original Ed Sullivan programs and over 150 hours of newly created programming.