Nokia 2760

Gen Z goes retro: Why the younger generation is ditching smartphones for 'dumb phones'

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

There is a growing movement among Gen Z to do away with smartphones and revert back to “less smart” phones like old-school flip and slide phones.

Key Points: 
  • There is a growing movement among Gen Z to do away with smartphones and revert back to “less smart” phones like old-school flip and slide phones.
  • Flip phones were popular in the mid-1990s and 2000s, but now seem to be making a comeback among younger people.
  • While this may seem like a counter-intuitive trend in our technology-reliant society, a Reddit forum dedicated to “dumb phones” is steadily gaining in popularity.

The power of nostalgia

    • Nostalgia is a complex emotion that involves reconnecting with the happy emotions of an idealized past by recalling positive memories.
    • Over the years, marketers have realized that nostalgia is a powerful way to evoke positive emotions — so much so that nostalgia marketing has become a recognized marketing strategy.
    • Nostalgia may be a driving factor behind people purchasing flip phones because they evoke memories of a previous era in mobile communication.
    • A YouTube advertisement for Nokia’s 2720 V Flip shows how brands can use nostalgia marketing to appeal to customers and drive product sales.

Digital detox

    • Another reason why people might be purchasing flip phones is to do a digital detox and cut down on screen time.
    • A digital detox refers to a period of time when a person refrains from using their electronic devices, like smartphones, to focus on social connections in the physical world and reduce stress.
    • As people become more aware of the potential side effects of excessive screen time and constant digital connectivity, some are choosing to digitally detox.
    • Flip phones are a way people can limit their exposure to digital noise and build a healthier relationship with technology.

Privacy concerns

    • In some cases, personal data can be used for targeted advertisements, but in worst cases that information can be leaked as part of a data breach.
    • More and more people are growing concerned with how their data is being collected, shared and used by companies and online platforms.
    • That can make them a more attractive option for people concerned with privacy, data breaches or surveillance.

Nokia phones gain largest U.S. expansion and growth to date, with a new H1 2022 line-up at major U.S. wireless providers

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Following quickly on the heels of the Q4 launches of the Nokia G300 and Nokia X100 affordable 5G smartphones, the Nokia phones portfolio is expanding across price points.

Key Points: 
  • Following quickly on the heels of the Q4 launches of the Nokia G300 and Nokia X100 affordable 5G smartphones, the Nokia phones portfolio is expanding across price points.
  • The newest affordable 5G device, the Nokia G400, will launch with all four wireless providers for an MSRP less than $250.
  • In addition, three 4G smartphones the Nokia C100, Nokia C200, and Nokia G100 as well as a 4G "Originals" feature phone, the Nokia 2760 Flip, will be launched.
  • HMD designs and markets a range of Nokia smartphones and Nokia feature phones and an expanding portfolio of innovative HMD service offerings.