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New SANS Research Reveals Cyber Attackers are Actively Targeting OT/ICS Environments: Critical Systems are at High Risk and Demand Priority from IT Security

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

This research concludes that industrial control systems can no longer be ignored, said Ian Bramson, Global Head of Industrial Cybersecurity at ABS Group.

Key Points: 
  • This research concludes that industrial control systems can no longer be ignored, said Ian Bramson, Global Head of Industrial Cybersecurity at ABS Group.
  • Organizations that take a copy and paste approach to applying IT security tools, processes and best practices into an OT/ICS environment can expect problematic consequences.
  • Targeting ICS operations using ransomware is a goal of the adversary as targeting ICS operations can lead to higher and quicker payouts.
  • "Critical infrastructure is targeted by cyber adversaries who have demonstrated their knowledge and desire to cause real-world consequences from cyber-attacks.