
 LUSIX Unveils Sun Grown DiamondsTM

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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

LUSIX, a prime grower of lab-grown diamonds (LGDs), today unveiled its Sun Grown DiamondsTM, revealing that its entire diamond growing operation is now 100% solar powered.

Key Points: 
  • LUSIX, a prime grower of lab-grown diamonds (LGDs), today unveiled its Sun Grown DiamondsTM, revealing that its entire diamond growing operation is now 100% solar powered.
  • LUSIX will supply its solar powered lab-grown diamonds under the commercial name: Sun Grown DiamondsTM.
  • LUSIX is firmly committed to push the boundaries of both technology and sustainability, said Benny Landa, LUSIX chairman and founder.
  • Marketing its diamonds under the Sun Grown DiamondsTM mark, LUSIX is the worlds first 100% solar-powered LGD producer.

Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program Publishes Ginkgo Leaf Extract Laboratory Guidance Document

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Since both rutin and quercetin are also found in ginkgo leaves, the detection of adulteration of commercial ginkgo materials can be challenging.

Key Points: 
  • Since both rutin and quercetin are also found in ginkgo leaves, the detection of adulteration of commercial ginkgo materials can be challenging.
  • The new LGD assesses the usefulness of 78 laboratory analytical methods to authenticate ginkgo leaf extract and/or detect ginkgo leaf extract adulteration.
  • The ginkgo leaf extract LGD is the 13th publication in the series of LGDs and the 73rd peer-reviewed publication published by BAPP.
  • To date BAPP has published 73 extensively peer-reviewed articles, including Botanical Adulterants Prevention Bulletins, Laboratory Guidance Documents, and Botanical Adulterants Monitor e-newsletters.