Megumi Igarashi

OCAD University to recognize 5 honorary doctorates at its June 17 Convocation

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Toronto, June 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On June 17, OCAD University will award honorary doctorates to five outstanding and deserving individuals during its first in-person Convocation ceremony to be held since 2019.

Key Points: 
  • Toronto, June 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On June 17, OCAD University will award honorary doctorates to five outstanding and deserving individuals during its first in-person Convocation ceremony to be held since 2019.
  • We are excited to recognize a group of exceptional individuals who have been catalysts in leading change in their respective domains.
  • The honorands will join 750 students from OCAD Us three faculties and Graduate Studies who will be receiving their diplomas at Roy Thomson Hall.
  • The morning ceremony will feature the installation of Ana Serrano as the Universitys first BIPOC President and Vice-Chancellor and Jaime Watt as Chancellor.