Wiregrass Museum of Art

Wiregrass Museum of Art to Loan EnChroma Glasses to Color Blind Visitors

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Wiregrass Museum of Art (WMA) and EnChroma® – creators of glasses for color blindness – today announced that WMA will loan EnChroma glasses to visitors who are red-green color blind so they can more fully experience the colors in its exhibits.

Key Points: 
  • Wiregrass Museum of Art (WMA) and EnChroma® – creators of glasses for color blindness – today announced that WMA will loan EnChroma glasses to visitors who are red-green color blind so they can more fully experience the colors in its exhibits.
  • While people with normal color vision see over one million shades of color, the red-green color blind only see an estimated 10% of hues and shades.
  • EnChroma is the lead advocate for “color accessibility,” helping universities, state and national parks, libraries, museums, and other organizations purchase and loan EnChroma glasses to color blind students and guests.
  • They enhance color for approximately 80% of red-green color blind people who have all three of the color cones in their retina functioning properly.