
Ed Balls and George Osborne's new podcast is essential listening – but not for the reasons they think

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

In an apparent attempt to “talk across the political divide”, former chancellor George Osborne and former shadow chancellor Ed Balls have launched a podcast.

Key Points: 
  • In an apparent attempt to “talk across the political divide”, former chancellor George Osborne and former shadow chancellor Ed Balls have launched a podcast.
  • Political Currency has been billed as a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the rooms and minds where the key decisions are made.
  • It hasn’t taken long for the two men to use the podcast to celebrate their joint achievements.
  • So, things which are contested can become consensual and when people agree, that is often how our county moves forward.
  • And yet poverty itself has so far only been mentioned once on the podcast, around halfway through episode one.

Listen to the ‘grown-ups’

    • They appear very happy with the current state of British politics and the people in charge.
    • For them, in 2023, the grown-ups are back in charge again – and that includes their gaining air time.
    • We forced our opponents to change their minds.” There is an older parallel to be drawn, too.
    • They were Michael Foot, Peter Howard and Frank Owen and their targets were the British public figures who appeased 1930s Germany.