Second-parent adoption

Real Adoptive Parents and Teens Choose Each Other in New Heartwarming PSAs

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, October 26, 2023

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), AdoptUSKids, and the Ad Council today launched moving new public service advertisements (PSAs) that encourage prospective parents to adopt teens from foster care. Created by Edelman, the PSAs build on the campaign's "You Can't Imagine the Reward" message and feature real adoptive families sharing their adoption from foster care stories and how rewarding the journey has been for both parents and teens.

Key Points: 
  • A common misconception about teen adoption is that the decision to adopt is driven solely by adoptive parents, but in reality, teens also have an active role in that choice.
  • New PSAs, " Parents Adopted ," developed pro bono by Edelman celebrate how teens and adoptive parents actively choose each other and showcase adoptive parents talking about how they too were "adopted" by their teens.
  • Together, adoptive parents and teens talk openly about choosing to be each other's family and how they've built and fostered a life of deep and mutual rewards.
  • By inviting prospective parents to hear from these six dynamic and relatable families, the new PSAs help viewers see themselves as potential adoptive parents.